Subtle changes in the air are signs that summer is coming to a close. While I cling to what is left, the goldfinches remind me to be content.
Category: Essays
Intertwining our existence with nature
Native plants and natural habitats contribute to our pollinating population. And we thrill to see bees dance and flowers grow before our eyes.
Finding satisfaction in imperfect results
Not every environment is ideal for creating and writing. Finding joy in our work and focusing on the beauty in nature that surrounds us can bring us satisfaction.
Death of a butterfly
Does the death of an insect affect us differently than the death of an avian? This is what I asked myself with the demise of an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and a sparrow. A reflection on how we react to death in nature.
Remaining connected to nature
Our connection to nature is connection to purpose. Life’s distractions can keep us from pausing to reflect on creation and its emotional and psychological effects on us. A blue heron recently reminded me to pay attention to what truly matters.
Returning to nature
Spending time outdoors, among the birds and flowers and sunshine, heal us physically and mentally. We become more creative and productive because we step out of our own world and into a larger perspective.