Welcome to Emma Kathryn Harris

Emma Kathryn Harris is a poet, writer, editor and photographer of all things beautiful.

Fresh from the Poetic Garden

  • Save your writing — and your ideas — with a notebook
    Creative concepts do not always appear at convenient times. Before we lose our reflections, we should write them down. And the best way to do this is with a notebook. Writing longhand has an added benefit: it slows our thoughts down and we capture more detail.
  • Intertwining our existence with nature
    Native plants and natural habitats contribute to our pollinating population. And we thrill to see bees dance and flowers grow before our eyes.
  • Writing and housekeeping do not have to clash
    Prolific writers have said you are either a good housekeeper or you are a great writer but not both. The reality, however, is that we have responsibilities in life and we schedule our writing periods like everything else. As long as we are writing, we are successful.