You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
C.S. Lewis, author
Each experience in life teaches me more about myself. I believe this is true for everyone. And you either grow and mature, or you discover weak areas that need attention before the next big event. Weeks following Hurricane Helene, I have been slowly crawling out of my shell.
Writing has indeed been healing. And a LOT of tea. I have good tea.
As my emotions began to calm and I focused on the positives in my life, I managed to finally return to writing. I started small and slow and gradually it has increased to where I have nearly returned to my familiar routine.
Stepping back and telling myself to understand my needs and limitations has been challenging. But effective. I have had to review my priorities and allow myself space to heal. For example, my bi-weekly newsletter was late. Again. Yet the world continued to spin on its axis.
Each experience in life teaches me more about myself.
So, what have I been doing to get my creative brain flowing again and feel useful?
I worked with a client for a few weeks, an author, on her brand story (check out this article about branding for authors on my website). It was a pleasure to focus on someone else.
I wrote more poetry and am editing to pitch to literary magazines.
I outlined articles and essays to pitch to news outlets, such as The Washington Post and The New York Times.
I’m wrapping up the first draft of a short story I have been writing for the last few months. I plan to pitch it to The New Yorker.
I am on my second round of edits to my long poem.
And I have been learning new video software because I like videos, combined with music and poetry. I am playing around with ideas and experimenting to learn. I have plans for a few things in the next few months I would like to create. Stay tuned. (And if you’d like to check out some of them, visit this page)
Believe it or not, the above is simple for me. I am attempting to work a bit at a time on things. Even the videos I am creating are helping me relax and do something fun, something over which I have control.
Edits to my novel in process are continuing with the goal of querying by next spring.
Life happens and we must comply. At least our writing and creations help us maintain some sanity.
Along with a good cup of tea.
What calms you and enables you to continue writing?