Your author newsletter should elevate your brand. Here are some dos and don’ts when producing your newsletter.
Category: Writing Business
Keep your newsletter subscribers engaged—Effective titles and marketing
With so many newsletter options filling our inboxes, are our subscribers actually reading our news? Powerful subject lines and our marketing can help us keep our readers interested and engaged.
An effective author newsletter—How content, design and layout attract readers
Your author newsletter is effective when your content, design, and layout align with your brand. It can entice readers to sign up and stick with you for years. How?
Why your author newsletter is your best marketing tool for your brand
E-newsletters are the best marketing tool for authors to build their brand and their reputation. What can newsletters do for an author’s brand? What you need to know about author newsletters.
How important is your author brand to your platform?
Often when authors hear they have to have a platform, they enter panic mode. Building an author brand story goes deeper than marketing or their book. It is about who they are and why people should care enough to read their books.
Will my writing sustain me financially?
As professional writers we seek ways to create income from our craft. What are the practical financial aspects of writing? What options for making money are open to writers? What sources can writers use to sell their work?