My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.”
Ernest Hemingway, Novelist
This article is the first in a four-part series on author newsletters. Today’s article focuses on why you should have an author newsletter.
As writers, we enjoy the process of writing. We love to create and tell stories and shape the journey of our characters. It is who we are and what we do.
We churn out 80,000-word novels, as well as essays and articles, and we probably write all the thank you letters for the household because we are the official writer of the family. But we never complain because it is what we enjoy and it brings us satisfaction when we complete a writing project.
However, when it comes to our author newsletter, we sometimes find ourselves in a paralyzing situation. We might enjoy writing the articles for our newsletter. But scheduling it, creating an editorial calendar for its contents, or even understanding how to market it so it goes from three subscribers (usually our loyal friends and family) to 3,000, can be daunting. And while we usually start out enthusiastic and keep to our schedule, after a while, it begins to take a backseat.
We wonder why we bother.
Just how important is an author’s newsletter?
What newsletters do for our brand and platform
An author e-newsletter is the best marketing tool for one’s brand. It highlights our story, builds rapport with our readers and fans, and creates trust. Through your newsletter, you are getting into your readers’ homes, their private space, by invitation. They have chosen to sign up for your newsletter and open their door to you.
Every week, bi-weekly, or once a month — depending on your newsletter schedule — you have a conversation with each subscriber and make them feel special. You have singled them out to tell them something important. You have their attention that you otherwise would not have through an advertisement.
Your e-newsletter is also a gateway to your website, your most important marketing tool. Your goal, beyond building trust, is to guide your readers to your website where you showcase your books and other work.
Newsletters are brief glimpses into your author world. Here you demonstrate your writing, both your style and your subject matter. What you write about, the things that interest you, and who you are, are displayed in your e-newsletter. You are building your fan base and generating interest in your work.
Newsletters are brief glimpses into your author world.
Are newsletters a sales tool?
Newsletters should not be a sales pitch. Instead, as you build your reputation and connect with your audience of readers, you are, in a way, making a soft sell. In other words, though you are not directly selling your books through your newsletter, you are emotionally connecting with your readers, who, in turn, will be moved to buy your books.
That does not mean you cannot mention your books. But you should avoid turning your newsletter into a direct sales pitch. Again, aim to draw people to your website where they can see your books and buy them directly through you.
Although you would not directly pitch your subscribers, as they get to know you and your offerings, your newsletter can be a lucrative sales tool. Visiting them in their “home” and having those one-on-one conversations can really help warm them to you. So when they notice what you have published or even other skills you offer, such as coaching, they are more apt to listen and reach out to you.
What is your newsletter’s purpose? The objective of your newsletter is for it to be rich in content. The content you write is something that appeals to you, but more importantly, it should appeal to your readers. They need to see what is in it for them if they take time to read your newsletter. If all they see is a sales plea to buy your book, they will unsubscribe.
While your fans enjoy hearing about you and learning about your habits and adventures, they must feel the information you share has everything to do with what interests them. That’s simply how life works. They are asking: Why should I care?
Are newsletters just another form of social media?
In short, no. Newsletters are an entirely different entity than social media.
First, you own your newsletter, as well as your website. Those are the two marketing tools you should invest the most time and money into.
You do not own social media. You could spend years building a following on social media only to have it disrupted by the media’s owners and then one day wake up and everyone is gone. You cannot control the algorithms. Or a nefarious being infiltrates your account and locks you out.
Second, although social media can reach a larger audience, they may not be the audience you need. Or that will be loyal to you. You can increase “likes” to your posts, but they are not a targeted, personalized audience.
Newsletters are your direct communication with your fans.
Newsletters are your direct communication with your fans.
Third, newsletters have a better performance rate than social media.
Average open rates (when your recipients read or open your email) for an email are 15-25% versus social media at 2-4%. Click-through rates (when people click on any of your links in your email) on average for an email are 2.90% versus social media at 1.35%.
This is important to know because even if you have 1,000 subscribers, if your open and click-through rates are low, you should reevaluate your content or other factors.
This still shows, however, that email is a better, richer reach for you rather than your TikTok videos, Facebook, and Instagram posts.
What about freebies and giveaways?
Everyone loves free stuff. Books, music, makeup, food — if you give it away, we will probably try it.
Giving away your books or related merchandise can get people to sign up and maybe check you out. However, often when people sign up for your newsletter specifically to get the free item, they unsubscribe once they have it. People are less apt to feel a commitment to free items as opposed to paying for their investment. If there is no investment, there is no emotional attachment.
Many who have newsletters will offer an initial incentive, such as what is referred to as a lead magnet. This is an item — often a download — that is related to the newsletter or what the author or business service is to entice people to sign up. The point of the lead magnet is to get “leads” or subscribers. Sign up for the newsletter, get the free download. It can be anywhere from an informational one-sheet to an e-book. And it is a low- to no-cost item, versus a physical book, which requires postage and time.
For example, subscribers to my newsletter, “Writing with Emma,” receive a PDF download, “The Pleasure of Writing—9 Writing prompts to boost creativity.” I know my audience and their needs, so I designed this handy workbook with them in mind. (It even includes a journal page that can be printed repeatedly.)
Your lead magnet should appear automatically on your website, either as a pop-up or directly embedded on your site, usually the homepage. If people are interested, they will sign up.
And from time to time, you might offer your book as a giveaway to your subscribers. This is a great way to show your appreciation for your subscribers, and they should receive special attention with giveaways and discounts. That is called a subscriber perk. However, do not lean heavily on giveaways as they are time-consuming and expensive for you.
Thinking of producing a newsletter?
If you have never done a newsletter, your head might be spinning right now. The idea sounds great, but yes, to do it right, it requires a lot of work. But one thing you do not need to do is start with a perfect first issue. Your newsletter will evolve as you get to know your readers. While it is good to have a game plan in mind before you design it and hit “send,” the key is to just start.
Since I have been producing newsletters for over 20 years, I understand the ups and downs.
Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming articles on the dos and don’ts of newsletters, as well as how to design and create an effective newsletter for you.