Writing Life

Clawing out of darkness and into spring

Reaching near the end of winter, I seem to claw toward the gate that is partially open. The gate is the exit from bitterness and the entrance to spring, where new hope and rejuvenation begin. As if I have been near death and am slowly coming to life with a shot of sunshine, flower buds and the scent of fresh soil.

My childhood days were spent in New England, where, to me, the images of sparkling snowdrifts looked endearing in paintings, but were a bleak presence outside my door. What seemed an endless amount of snow, cold and darkness was as if I was in a cocoon of depression for 8 to 10 months of the year. I withered into myself, longing for the brief release summer would bring. There was no spring—only a few weeks of a summer and an autumn that whisked away amidst a mountain of activity.

I’ve been away from the New England winters for some time now, yet the acrid memories linger. Even during the brief winter period further south, I slip into a depression toward the end, as though my energy to remain strong begins to wane and give out on me.

Spring flowers renew hope

As the spring flowers peek above the ground that kept them warm and safe through the last few months—the daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, and crocuses—my hope is swathed in them. Each day that brings new blossoms and brighter colors strengthens my weakened spirit.

Soon, I shall see the dogwood and tulip trees blossom. My garden will be a pop of color—first green, followed by pink, purple and red—stretching over the drab brown, transforming the earth, and awakening it from its sleep.

As the days present warmer temperatures, I visit the outdoors more often, feeling the change brush over my skin, and the possibilities flourishing before my eyes. My wellness is pleasantly affected as I watch my garden spring to life.

Bask in the rejuvenation of life

Take a walk outside. Inhale the air of hopeful possibilities. Look on the ground for signs of life, on the trees for buds that will soon create a canopy of beauty. Feel yourself leap back to life. Revel in the longer days as the sunrise appears earlier each day and tucks in later each night when it sets, as if it too is not ready to say good night. Listen to the birds as they tweet their melodious songs and they stretch their wings, liberated.

Spring is only the beginning of fabulous moments yet to come.

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