Sleepless nights extend the darkness
will morning ever come—
or will this night continue forever?
Leaves appear slowly from the ground
a flower’s seed planted weeks earlier—
will the petals ever blossom?
A mother in eager anticipation
nine months of blissful pleasure—
when will another life enter the world?
A child’s excitement building
days away from a beach excursion—
will that day ever arrive?
What seems unreachable
is but a brief moment in time—
for such moments are not forever.
Everything has a beginning and an end
but what if forever meant—
there would be no more ends?
For now, we wait
for when time has no meaning—
when we finally reach forever.
—Emma Kathryn Harris
Follow Emma Kathryn Harris on Facebook and Instagram.
Dahlia Crocus Bacopa Orange spotted jewelweed